This section describes how to use programmatically, including the expected and supported fields for each serivce.


Micropub is an open API standard that describes a protocol for publishing to a personal website. The protocol includes OAuth2-style authorization, using your website's URL as your ID. exposes a micropub endpoint so you can use this protocol and vocabulary to publish to many different hosted services like Blogger and Twitter. If you are POSSEing to many different services, might save you the trouble of writing special code for each unique API.

Creating a Post

After obtaining an access token, create a new entry on a service by sending a POST request to's Micropub endpoint ( with a x-www-form-urlencoded string (or multipart/form-data if attaching media). All requests must include the access token either as a form field:


or an Authorization header

Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxx

The following sections list the parameters that each service supports. Most posts will include at least a content. Many properties can be multivalued by specifying e.g. category[] instead of category (note that multi-valued properties must use the array syntax). Currently only photos and video must be uploaded as files. In the future we'll support posting media by URL too. Most properties are optional.


slug optional custom slug for your post
name post title
content[html] or content body of the post
summary if content is not provided, summary will be used as the body
in-reply-to a URL to reply to. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-in-reply-to"
repost-of at this time, this just embeds a custom microformatted html link in the body of your post with class="repost-of". A planned future version will support native Tumblr reblogging
like-of a URL to post an indie like of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-like-of"
bookmark-of a URL to post an indie bookmark of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-bookmark-of"
photo (file or URL) if provided, creates a "photo" post with a caption based on content (or name or summary)

slug optional custom slug for your post
name post title
summary passed to Wordpress as the "excerpt"
content[html] or content body of the post
in-reply-to a URL to reply to. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-in-reply-to"
repost-of at this time, this just embeds a custom microformatted html link in the body of your post with class="repost-of"
like-of a URL to post an indie like of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-like-of"
bookmark-of a URL to post an indie bookmark of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-bookmark-of"
photo (file or URL) uploads a single photo as an attachment using the Wordpress property media


name post title
content[html] or content body of the post
in-reply-to a URL to reply to. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-in-reply-to"
repost-of at this time, this just embeds a custom microformatted html link in the body of your post with class="repost-of"
like-of a URL to post an indie like of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-like-of"
bookmark-of a URL to post an indie bookmark of. This will embed custom microformatted html in the body of your post with class="u-bookmark-of"



url Permalink of the original post, useful for syndicating to Twitter. If the content must be truncated to fit in a tweet, this link will be appended. Otherwise, it is ignored.
name title of an article. If provided, this supersedes the content, and implies a different formatting: "Article Title: url". Unlike the note case, url will be included even if the name is much shorter than the character limit.
content[value] or content text of the note. If this is longer than 280 characters (assuming wrapping), will automatically truncate the content and include url (if provided)
in-reply-to URL of a tweet to reply to. Use in-reply-to[] to pass multiple values — We'll use the first one that looks like a tweet permalink.
location A Geo URI specifying latitude and longitude, e.g. geo:37.7458887,-119.5333317. (additional properties of the URI are ignored).
photo (file or URL) Attach a photo to the tweet. Up to 4 photos can be attached using the array syntax (photo[]). Twitter documentation says images can be up to 5MB, but it seems to complain about anything over 3MB.
video (file) Attach a single video to the tweet. The video must be in MP4 format and can be up to 15MB.


repost-of URL of a tweet to retweet. If specified, all other fields are ignored. Multiple values are allowed with repost-of[] — We'll use the first one that looks like a tweet permalink.


like-of URL of a tweet to like. If specified, all other fields are ignored. Multiple values are allowed with like-of[] — We'll use the first one that looks like a tweet permalink.


Unfortunately, Facebook's API makes it prohibitively difficult to find the Graph ID of a post from its URL, so replying to, sharing, and liking Facebook posts are not supported by I'm open to any ideas for workarounds.
name title of an article. If name and content are provided, then will post the full text. Note that "name" and "photo" are mutually exclusive (because articles are not photos) — If "name" is specified, then "photo" is ignored.
content[value] or content text of the post. For note posts, grabs the first link from the post content (if there are any) and uses it as the link preview.
url Permalink of the original post, useful when syndicating to Facebook. If this looks like an "article" (i.e. it has an explicit "name") then the permalink will be included as a link preview. If this looks more like a "note", then it will be included in parentheses in the body of the status update.
location Either a numeric Facebook place ID or a Geo URI expressing latitude and longitude. Given a lat/long, we'll searh Facebook for places near this point. If we fails to find a match in the Facebook database, publishing will proceed normally, without a place.
place-name Use this name to narrow down the search for a Facebook place. It doesn't have to be an exact match for the name in the Facebook database, but an overly specific name might prevent the API from finding anything.
photo (file or URL) If provided, post a photo. content will become the photo's "caption". name is ignored.
video (file) If provided, post a video. name will be the title, and content will be the description (note the difference with photos, which have only a caption).


Photo (or Video)

name Photo title
content[value] or content Photo description (optional)
photo (file or URL) required unless video is provided. This is the photo to upload to Flickr.
video (file or URL) This is a video to upload to Flickr.
category One or more tags to apply to the photo. If a category is the URL to a user's profile or photostream, then this will be converted to a person tag instead of a regular tag. To specify multiple categories, remember to use the array syntax, category[]=.
location a Geo URI specifying the latitude and longitude where the photo was taken, e.g. geo:39.3085532,-123.8105919.


content[value] or content Text of the comment
in-reply-to URL of the photo on which to comment.


like-of URL of the photo to favorite.
Note: The Location header of the response will be the URL of the photo itself, since faves don't have their own URL.


Creating an Issue

in-reply-to the GitHub repository URL (the repository plus /issues is also accepted)
name Plain-text title of the issue. Try to keep these around 50 characters
or content
Markdown description of the issue.
category One or more labels to apply to the issue (note that only project committers can apply labels. Remember to use the category[] syntax to apply multiple labels.

Commenting on an Issue or Pull Request

in-reply-to the GitHub issue or pull request URL (e.g.
or content
Markdown-formatted content of the comment.

Star a Repository

like-of the GitHub repository URL



item The Goodreads URL, ISBN number, or simply the title (with or without author) of the book. We'll pull the Goodreads ID from the URL if it's given, or otherwise use the Goodreads search API to find the book.
or description
or content[value]
or content
or summary
or name
Optional. A descriptive review of the book.
rating Optional. A rating 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest rating.
category One or more shelves to add this book to. Shelves that do not already exist for this user will be ignored.
